Etsy Seller Interview with Kim from Paper & Pear (49.000 sales since 2017) ๐Ÿ“Š

Hello everyone, I just interviewed Kim from Paper & Pear and her story is very inspirational. She (and her team) has made an astonishing 49.000 sales on Etsy since 2017 selling organization labels. 

Iโ€™d like to share a few key takeaways from the interview I think could be useful for everyone:

  • The inspiration came out of her own need to better organize her kitchen

  • Her first sale came within 1 - 2 days of opening the shop, from family and friends after making an announcement on Facebook

  • Currently driving customers from social media (Instagram & Tiktok) as well as SEO from Etsy and Pinterest. Also some exposure from bloggers and influencers.

  • After running solo for 3 years, she has hired her husband, sister, and two brothers-in-law.

  • A few favorite tools include 1) text expander for quick and consistent customer service responses, 2) QuickBooks Online for accounting and expense tracking, and 3) snag it for mockup and order previews.

  • Her best advice for new sellers starting an Etsy shop is to focus on quality photography, using keywords, and trying new things. Lastly, donโ€™t expect instant results, it took nearly three years for her to go full time!

These are just a few of the highlights from Kimโ€™s interview. If youโ€™d like to read the full interview, you can take a look here:

What do you think, what are your key takeaways from this interview?

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