Help! I'm being attacked on Reddit.

I have been posting my scarves on /r/etsy and today I have received some very negative comments and down votes criticizing my product.
I have tried to be diplomatic but is this something people have dealt with?
Any advice?
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Re: Help! I'm being attacked on Reddit.

It looks like the moderator stepped in so it shouldn't get much further. He/she is free to critique your product as they wish, but personal attacks are uncalled for.

You've been diplomatic thus far. Keep that up. The contrast makes it easy to see that the other person is just being a jerk.
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Re: Help! I'm being attacked on Reddit.

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Re: Help! I'm being attacked on Reddit.

so how does one deal with their constant down voting? they have become quite malicious.
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Re: Help! I'm being attacked on Reddit.

I'm sorry they're giving you such a hard time, but there really isn't anything you can do to stop them if they're determined to downvote you. Luckily they only get one vote per post.
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Re: Help! I'm being attacked on Reddit.

Hey, I ship with tracking and insurance too, and your costs are pretty close to mine. It's probably cost me a few sales, but I'd rather lose a sale than lose an item in the mail, or get screwed over by a customer falsely claiming something wasn't delivered.

I think the difference is that my jewellery is much more expensive than yours, and when you pay $900 for a ring, another $30 for shipping isn't such a big deal, but when the shipping price is almost the same as the item price, people might find it more off putting.

People on Reddit feel like they need to make their opinion known on everything, and never feel the need to sugarcoat it because the anonymity of the internet lets them get away with being dicks. You do need a thick skin to deal with reactions, sometimes.

And the best way to deal with the downvoters is simply 'don't feed the trolls.' Downvote their comments, and move on.
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Re: Help! I'm being attacked on Reddit.

You should definitely price them however you feel fit, and your shipping prices look fine to me. That said, advertising these on Reddit is probably a bad idea. Especially when you post an item a day on such a small subreddit. They are not your demographic. Hits for the sake of hits are pointless.
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Re: Help! I'm being attacked on Reddit.

I have had 2 negative comments on my first Etsy store (closed until Labor Day week 2015) - one from a buyer who would not answer my emails as to which of the items in the listing she wanted, so I chose for her - she wanted the pattern! but paid the price for an item + shipping (patterns are sent electronically, so, no shipping)
The other never contacted me when she ran into a problem creating from my pattern & wrote a negative review. Her excuse was that she thought I would be the only one seeing her review. On the upside, she profusely apoogized, but it didn't change the rating or the review.
I also ship with insurance for the same reasons as Miranda Scott. Shipping with insurance helps to ensure that the post office is a little more careful with delivery and fragile items (they don't like being held responsible for having to foot the bill for damaged merchandise!) When customers complain about the cost of shipping, I let them know that the post office has explained that it is the cost of the insurance, not the postage, that is raising the rates - rates are high for shipping especially to Canada or anywhere else outside the US.
It is depressing, but what other choice do you have if you don't want to lose all the hard work you put into your art, talent and product?
Wishing everyone great success - mine is at a standstill.
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