Shop critique for: Esxrax Esra

Please critique this shop:

No harshness or self-promotion

Sarah Jones
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5 Replies

Re: Shop critique for: Esxrax Esra

Great designs :)

If you could put a banner at the top of your page that might help your shop stand out more. Something people could link to your designs.

Your photos are good and show off your designs well.

You mention being able to make the earrings in different colours. You could maybe add the colour choices to your listing.

Hope that helps.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Shop critique for: Esxrax Esra

Great photos. Nice and clear, very consistent.

It would be nice to have policies. Most people want to know that the shop stands behind the items they sell. What are the return policy, is the item guaranteed etc....

Set up an about page so that buyers can learn a little about you and your processes.

I agree with Twisted Pixie that a banner is needed.

Your product is very nice and you have a great base to build on.
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Re: Shop critique for: Esxrax Esra


The shop looks very well and cohesive. I like your pics as they are nice and bright, and the products can be easily seen in their details. I also like the style you chose for taking the pics, with the white net effect underneath. :)

I noticed though that you don't use all five pictures available for each item, and also there are no pictures showing how your earrings would look when worn. People like to see how the item is going to look on them once worn, so maybe you could add pics of the earrings worn by a real person (that would be the best), or by a head-shaped jewelllery display, or even just hanging from an object like a cup or a vase, to show the effect.

Also, you could make a better use of the tags by putting words together like "black and red" or "bohemian earrings" as the single word will still come out in the search - and generally speaking a "phrase" is always better as far as the search goes, than single words. For me the best way to come up with tags is to think what would I put in the search if I was looking for something like that?

Finally, yes, I agree with Scott Board and Twisted Pixie - you need a banner for your shop as it is the first step to brand your shop, make a statement and be remembered by visittors and customers - even more than a name in fact as people tend to remember visual elements more than names or words...

Hope this help, and good luck with your Etsy shop! :)
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Re: Shop critique for: Esxrax Esra

I really love your shop, very clear pictures, unusual products and very cool. All I would say is keep promoting and maybe get a banner but it works with out one :-)
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Re: Shop critique for: Esxrax Esra

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