New Citrine Jewelry!! The Whole Shop Here
Citrine is a variety of Quartz in yellow to golden-honey tones. Citrine stimulates the first through third (root, navel and solar-plexus) chakras. Through the root chakra, it heightens feelings of comfort within physical plane life and the positive attitude of optimism. Through its powerful activation of personal will coupled with intelligent creativity (third and second chakras), Citrine is a premier manifestation stone, facilitating identifying one's desires and heightening persistence to bring one's dreams into physical reality. It assist one to bring Divine energy into form through intention and action. Citrine clears the portal between Spirit and Matter. Traditionally Citrine has been known as a powerful stone of abundance, the "merchant's stone," helping to generate prosperity. This is also an excellent support stone for clearing the aura and stabilizing the emotions, creating balance and a positive attitude.
• Enhances concentration, mental clarity, focus, creativity and creative imagination
• Activates the power of will, facilitating increased self-esteem and confidence
• Enhances individuality, improves motivation and encourages self-expression
• Stimulates the intuitive self and promotes contact with the higher forces of intelligence
• Assists one to overcome difficulties and resolve challenges
• Heals issues of power abuse and feelings of powerlessness
• Assists in releasing negative traits and feelings at deep levels of being
• Facilitates overcoming feelings of being undeserving of abundance
• Enhances physical stamina and energy
• Supports the endocrine system and encourages proper metabolism