Hmmm... the more I'm reading about Weld, the more intrigued I'm becoming, LOL (even putting aside the fact that he was born and raised in my own neck of the woods)
Interesting New Yorker article from 2002 includes this:
"I have to believe Bill's still interested in elective or appointed office. It's what he's done for 30 years," says Mort Zuckerman, Daily News chairman and an admiring pal since the early seventies. "Bill's iconoclastic, he's not someone who fits the constraints of the Wasp world. He's voracious in terms of learning, doing, experimenting. The guy is dazzlingly brilliant." "
not to mention:
"And an eventual Weld race would be fun to watch. As Massachusetts governor, Weld was known as a Jack Daniels-drinking, Grateful Dead-loving pol with a wild streak, once diving fully clothed into the Charles River after signing an environmental bill."