I am sure that many people think that, but I live in a state that is the only state the since 2004 has not had a single county go for the democratic nominee for President. Which means that they have been driving the budget and making all of the financial as well as legal issue laws. So they have had 12 years to implement their conservative fixes for everything. What have they accomplished.
We have a budget shortfall of 1.3 million dollars.
This was a news report explaining the problem well over a year ago. ( it's video and short but informative)
Since then, did our legislators listen and stop doing stupid shit that they KNEW was going to be overturned?? Hell no they went even further. The voted to "deregulate" our schools. Great unlicensed teachers paid minimum wage that is the future of OK schools.
Our legislators decided that the 10 commandments was not a religious representation and put a 6 foot tall granite statue in front of the state capitol. They knew full well it was illegal, they knew that SOMEONE would have to pay for the lawyers to defend this action in federal court and guess what it was illegal and it was removed.... guess who that someone was the taxpayers of Oklahoma who still have a shortfall in our GOP controlled budget of 1.3 BILLION dollars.
Today, just like our legislators trying to deny same sex Nat guard spouses benefits that straight ones get, which was overturned, just like when Oklahoma tried to sue Colorado for legalizing marijuana and were told no you cannot sue Colorado, main your own freaking biz, ( that costs lawyers fees in the hundreds of dollars an hour rate ) Today they have pulled the biggest most boneheaded legislation in the US.
Oh gee , I guess they forgot that there was a federal law preventing laws like this. I do not care what side of the abortion issue you are on these stupid legislators are only passing laws like this so the can have it on their campaign commercials when the general election rolls around and I and all of my fellow oklahomans have to pay for the legal fees the bill is surely going to generate and knowing my stupid governor as I do she will push it all the way to the supreme court just for the attention.
I am sick to death of the GOP's idea of smaller government in Oklahoma it is bleeding my state dry and racking up bills that kids and grandkids will have to pay. They may think it is a "free" way to have a great buzzword for their campaign so they can run around saying 'I tried to protect the unborn for you" but it is not free and I am paying for all of these stupid bills that are clearly violations of federal laws..
Whether you are anti-choice or pro-choice... it is the law of the land get over it , stop making the citizens pay so politicians can have hot buzz words in November. ARRRRGGGGG