Etsy wants me to CLOSE my shop because of Etsy Payment "ERROR"

So sorry for starting new thread, but I need advice
I have activated Direct Checkout when it was available in Croatia and as far as I am consider it worked very well for me. As I discovered customers like to have more payment options. At that time I was working in IT and had my dream Etsy shop going on.
But life brings you lot of surprises...
In the middle of 2016 we got a chance to move to New Zealand. We didn't had any secured jobs in New Zealand..just opportunity.
And we decided to move, to take a chance. I was confident that I will find IT job easy and whatever happens I have my Etsy shop. Whatever happens Ill have my shop...
So my husband, my 3 kids and I moved by the end of 2016 to New Zealand. Every fresh start is hard, and I was ready for it...because I had my Etsy shop. It as internet business after all. As long as I had it we can survive. It was a crazy struggle to keep it alive during period of travel and house searching, job searching, helping kids to get adjusted to new environment. So after being here for 5 months, my husband found the job which is not very well paid and I have my Etsy shop..He covers rent, I cover food. I still didn't succeed on getting IT job.
Sorry for taking this so long, but I thought it was necessary to give you some background.
So when we settled I wanted to activate direct checkout with New Zealand bank account and couldn't. There is an error. It turns out that you can add only bank account from one country. If it happens that you change countries, you can't have Direct checkout or Etsy Payments. I wrote to Etsy support and they assured me that they are working on it. So I waited.
Then the mail came that we have to activate Etsy Payments by May 17. I thought that maybe they did something and I activated Etsy Payments and still couldn't update bank account info. Also I couldn't deactivate Etsy Payment any more. I wrote to Etsy support and their response came late after I happened to have sale on Etsy Payment / with information linked to Croatian bank account. I wrote again.
Their solution is:
- "Please know that currently the only way to add your bank details would be to register for a new Etsy shop under a different username, shop name, and email address. Unfortunately, we cannot transfer shop data from one account to another"...
But you all know how much work we give to our shops. How much time you invest in brand building. How many backlinks are there in social media pointing to your Etsy shop. I was here since 2012 and spent hours and hours working on it..My shop has history.. I have 2235 sales, 556 feedbacks, 165415 admirers, 3158 followers. Some of my listings have more then 25000 views and 8000 favorites. I have built trust with buyers and other sellers. I'll loose my brand name, I'll loose my data, I'll loose my customers...How in the world can I found strenght to do it again. The only thing they can transfer to my new shop is funds from Etsy Payments...or if I not open another shop funds will go to my closed account in Croatia.

I would love that I don't know anything about IT and just accept these solutions as facts. BUT unfortunately I know what can and can't be done and this makes everything harder. I have worked in IT customer support..I know how decisions are made..IT has many options and many ways to fix things. Nothing is impossible. Only thing that directs your way are your priorities..It can be customer satisfaction, profit, cost cutting, ..
I was IT customer support and we never advised closing the company if there were problems, bugs, glitches... We tried to fix them!!!

Etsy wants me to CLOSE my shop because of Etsy Payment "ERROR"
So I wrote again and again. I don't want to loose my shop!!! There was so much work and love invested in it. But I got this:
"Please know that we gather feedback like yours regularly and look for trends and similarities. Once this information is grouped, we share it with the appropriate teams here at Etsy."
So Etsy support job is to collect requests from sellers and if there is trend in the community, they'll proceed problem further to developers? If I am the minority, or if I am the only one nothing will be done???? Even if my shop is in danger of closing because of their system error???? If there is no one else that complains about this I'll just get notice to close my shop in 30 days? Is this Etsy customer support policy????

So far they were kind enough to prolong time until I'll get notice:

"Since you are unable to add a bank account based in New Zealand due to site limitations, we extended your deadline, meaning your CraftsGardenOfZen shop will not be affected by the May 17 deadline.
If our policies change and we need to remove this extension for any reason, you will be provided at least 30 days notice to add Etsy Payments to your shop. "
So I am waiting for notice...Please if you can advice, because I feel so broken, frustrated, powerless, like living in Catch 22.
..I have no strength to start new shop, no enthusiasm..I don't know if there will be some system error and my new shop will need to close too..
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