This promotional game is very easy and highly effective to get some admirers for your work and to get your work seen in the activity feeds of fellow etsians.

It's easy: post 2 items from your shop and favorite the 10 items above you!

If the items above you are already favorited by you, pick the ones above that until you reach 10. Don't skip anyone!

Good luck!


FAQ: How do I post my two items to this thread?

To post items from your shop with the nice formatting as done by most posters in the thread, you simply copy the full address of your listing (so including the http:// at the beginning, this is important). When you post the full address, Etsy automatically turns it into the nice batch with the favorite button like you see in the thread. To post two of them, simply add another address of your listing underneath the first one on a new line.

You're allowed to post as many times as you want, as long as you wait for 10 items from different shop owners to be between you and your last post. (So this could already be after 5 shops when they've posted 2 items)

FAQ: What do I do when I see somebody posting after me without hearting my items?

Kindly (!) ask the person who accidentally skipped you to heart the items that were missed in a convo here on Etsy.

Re: Post 2 items, favorite the 10 items above you!

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Re: Post 2 items, favorite the 10 items above you!

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Not applicable

Re: Post 2 items, favorite the 10 items above you!

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