Spring/Summer Shows

Hi everyone.

When they switched the Etsy layout I lost the teams & forums! Now I have a direct link so hopefully I'll be around more.

I'm trying to talk myself into doing spring/summer outside shows.

(I was actually hoping to get my real estate license and work on getting into more stores, but I'm not going to be able to get to school until May, so i might as well as do some spring shows.)

What I REALLY want to do is open my own store. But I'm not financially there, so that leads me to more shows.

I need to get a good tent and sides and invest in some more stock. This holiday season was lack luster. Not my stuff, but show attendance & lack of organization of the shows. I had a show where there were 4 people selling just sea glass items. 4 vendors out of 100 selling the exact same thing is rough... So I worry about relying on other people to host good events.

If I had my own store then I could control advertising, events, etc...

But owning my own store means hiring & a HUGE expenses...

So what can you tell me is your best PRO of doing spring/summer shows

and what's the one thing that makes you hesitate doing them?

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Re: Spring/Summer Shows

Spring shows, not much that's worth doing until late May. The summer shows I do are mainly cultural and music festivals, some street festivals.

- I get exposed to a different demographic than at my usual juried craft shows. More young people, more tourists looking for special gifts, the crowds are larger.

- Weather is such a huge factor; heat, rain, wind. You have to be prepared for anything. To protect your wares, and make sure your tent does not blow away. Bad weather usually means a poor show, and rarely are there booth refunds.

-Blowing dust, my displays and jewellery get dirty and I have to spend time cleaning them during the show and after the show. This happens at almost all outdoor shows, but sometimes there is more dust than others.

-Humidity & moisture - many who sell photographs or paper items will not do outdoor show because of worries of damage to their goods. Some sell goods sealed in plastic, and that can help.

- I get more theft at outdoor shows than indoor shows.

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Re: Spring/Summer Shows

Thank you!

I didn't even think of the humidity when it comes to the photos. The weather especially the wind, is my fear. I did one show on the boardwalk in Seaside Heights (where Jersey Shore was filmed) and even though I had a ton of weight on my tent, the wind was moving it all over!

And of course the lady next to me didn't have a tent so I was stressed if it did go, it was going to hit her!

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Re: Spring/Summer Shows

I've been wondering the same thing. Last year was my first year doing shows, and I did mostly indoor shows. However, most of them were small shows that weren't worth it.

This year I'm being more selective, and that means doing some outdoor shows (which I don't really like doing). I guess it's time I invest in a good canopy.
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Re: Spring/Summer Shows

Thank you
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Re: Spring/Summer Shows

I meant to write that the spring shows in my area were not worth doing, but every place is different, so who knows, there may be better spring events available to you.
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