Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

My best selling items on Etsy are lanyards for medical professionals and Japanese fabric keychains. But these items are rather niche and may not appeal to general public (show goers) .

So I made molded crayons, stickers and drawstring bags specifically for the show to cover all age groups and interest. And I don't think these sell well on Etsy because there are too many competitors.

Do you do similar things? Does that work for you?
Any tips/ suggestions? Thank you in advance!
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18 Replies
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

I bring everything, all types of items, but I concentrate on different things.

My best sellers online are my braille items (talk about niche! :) and while they are a great conversation starter at shows there's not a ton of people who purchase. So I bring (and dedicate way more booth space) to my ribbon candy items (in the fall/ Christmas) and roses and boxes etc.

I definitely think its smart to have different concentrations online and at shows. There are a lot of things that sell better in person. Like anything you want to touch or smell :)
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

Almost half of my show sales are ribbon skirts. I sold a few on Etsy but last fall I decided to let those listings expire. They are all one-of-a-kind and I was spending too much time taking photos. And I was getting custom requests that I couldn't make since I use scraps and don't always have specific colors.

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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

I guess I do. Some of the large items I make, like fireplace log racks, I only take to craft fairs. Because of the packing difficulties and shipping costs, I don't list them in my shop.
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

Most everything we exhibit at shows is on Etsy - which is why we need a cargo trailer :-)
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

Thanks everyone!

Dawn, it's a great idea to keep one-of-a-kind items solely for shows.
In my earliest career on Etsy, I made dozens of one-of-a-kind, only-one-available items, which happened to belong to highly competitive area.

I know the quality of my products are great, but it's just invisible on Etsy.
I'll let them expire, and will bring them to shows. Thanks.

And Kathy--- what a coincidence!
I just finished taking pictures of my Braille learning toy.
It looked like niche for me, too.

Jean & Bruce, I bet being a woodworker is physically challenging...! Safe crafting!
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

I sell my glass beads here on etsy & I sell jewelry made with my glass beads at shows. Two totally different markets as far as sales go.
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

I make the same things to sell on Etsy / elsewhere online / at craft fairs. I still sell more in one day at a good craft fair than in a month on Etsy.
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

It's a fabulous idea to sell beads as Supply on Etsy, and finished jewelry at shows.

I bet you have ton of wholesale buyer/ jewelry maker buying from you on Etsy.
Clever! And beautiful beads!!

It's great to hear from colleague selling more than a month worth sales on shows. I'll be on that level in very near future, watch me!
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

I am doing my first craft fair in may and I plan to sell everything that I sell in my Etsy shop but add some higher priced bigger items for the show. I sell baby accessories so nothing really cost over 10.00. I need some bigger priced items to make up for the booth fee at the craft fair.
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

Thank you, that is a great idea!!! I am always trying to come up with craft fair ideas. Its important to have different ways to sell at them!!!
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

Jodi, from my just a little bit of experience, it would be a great idea to make CHEAPER, impulse-buy items to cover the booth fees.

There's a thread about this - called "Chums" where we discussed the importance of these small price tag items.

Hope these helps!

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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

Since you make burp clothes, maybe a larger size as a changing pad (useful when traveling) and even a blanket or quilt? That would give you a couple of larger items that would fit with what you have. And a gift package sounds like a great idea too.
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

Jodi. I have a friend who buys baskets with a handle when they are on sale, and fills them up to sell in her store. If you had one of each item, matching, in a basket with a big pink or blue bow on the handle, it might work out great for a larger baby gift purchase! When you do up baskets like that, you can even toss in a baby bottle with a pink or blue cap, or a card of pink or blue diaper pins, that sort of rounds out the package. Of course, it doesn't have to be pink or blue! Yellow, lilac, mint green, etc.
Many years ago, I was making baby winter hats, and matching mittens. When I boxed them together as a gift set, I sold a LOT more. I never sold them singly after that!
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

I am new to the craft fair scene myself and there's a series of them that a lady organizes in malls that are coming up - the first one being next weekend. It's $150 booth fee and I am unsure whether it is a good idea to make my first craft fair this expensive with the hopes that I will (of course) at least break even but hopefully make a profit. If you look at my Etsy shop I have all sorts of things from custom sewn items to framed artwork to vintage...any thoughts? Thanks!
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?


If I were you, I would start with smaller, cheaper shows.
It's so frightening to think that after a long day you might end up with $50 sales.

How about visit the show as a customer and ask your gut feeling about being a vendor there next time?

Good luck!
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

Sandra, I had a quick look at your shop, and it looks like you have some great sewn items with a range of prices. IMO, the framed art would be the hardest to sell. From talking to my friends who do painting and photography, selling art is not a sprint, it's a marathon. Most people tend to take their time, think about it, take your business card. Sometimes they come back and make a purchase next year.

Have you ever visited any of the organizers mall show before?

Every show is different, but from my experience mall shows can be hard, because people are not there for the show, they are walking around the mall in a hurry (on the weekend). You have to push yourself to talk to people, to catch their attention. I always had to work harder at this at a mall show, than my regular craft shows.
I did mall shows for 10 years, 1-4 a year (2 was average), at different malls in my city. Each one was 6 days long, I wish we could of done weekends only, Saturday was often my best sales day.

But that was mall shows in my area - the ones in your area may be a bigger draw. Do you know how she advertises her shows? Do these shows have a good reputation? How many vendors will there be, and what kinds of goods will they have (for example Origami Owl, Scentsy, Watkins, or even what if there are 4 other sewers with similar goods?)

I would spend $150 on a show I had visited, or where I knew some of the other vendors, that they were pros that wouldn't waste their time. But it's up to you, whether you can afford to take the chance, spend the money if it doesn't work out. Shows are always a a gamble, even the best ones can have a bad year. Gathering as much info. as you can, is all you can do to help yourself make an informed decision.
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

I did mall shows many years ago. The hours were brutal, and you can get mostly "tire kickers". They are there to do their regular shopping, and just happened to see you there - not exactly a target market! If you are familiar with the mall, and it is a very busy one, you could do just fine, though. Great for show experience anyway! I wish you all the best!
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Re: Do you make different items for shows vs Etsy?

different items? No.

but I sell different items in person than I do online.

Online it is mostly perfume, wax melts, candles, etc.

In person, it is mostly soap, lotion bars, lip balm, wax melts, etc.

I sell everything online but for some reason my sales slant differently. So through the year, I don' thave that much soap for sale. Not compared to the 60 plus scents I'll have in fall. I sell them too fast to list them here, so my online sales may need a bit of a kick due to 'same old'

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