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There are coupon codes which you can use shopping in my store (discount percent depends on how much you are going to spend). They are active until 1st of Jan 2016. Choose the right coupon code and apply it at checkout. You can also find some items, that were markdowned, searching in my store by the word "SALE"
HAPPYNEWYEAR2016 gives you -3% discount FIREMONKEY100 gives -5% if your check is 101 EUR and more FIREMONKEY150 gives -7% if your check is 151 EUR and more FIREMONKEY180 gives -10% if your check is 181 EUR and more FIREMONKEY250 gives -12% if your check is 251 EUR and more FIREMONKEY300 gives -15% if your check is 301 EUR and more
I'm holding a weeklong sale over at The Eclectic Illustrator. 25% off everything in my shop with the coupon code THANKFUL. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! :)
Read about the Christmas discount coupons in my shop's description! They are active until 01.01.2016 You can also find some items, that were markdowned, searching in my store by the word "SALE"