243 Post | Quickly get more traffic and sales with Pinterest GROUP BOARDS

Hi there Sellers!

Because I want this team to actually help you get results for your shop, I'm going to share with you some tactics that I usually suggest when I help somebody get their shop running and increase their sales.

They’re a set of tactics that I have filtered out of many marketing trends I tried out over the years, and always use because I know these will actually work.

Increasing engagement for your shop takes time, but a fun and easy way to speed it up a LOT and get more traffic is to get a free Pinterest account and publish your listings on "group boards”.

A group board is basically a team on Pinterest: you get to publish an image of your work to a page around a certain topic, with a link going directly to your shop or listing. Thousands of followers of these boards will then get the chance to see that image and, if they like it, click through to your shop and/or share it to their own boards, with even more followers.

I still get traffic and sales from something that I pinned on a group board three years ago, because somebody on a group board decided to casually like my image and quickly made it snowball into thousands of shares by their followers, and their followers, and their followers…

To get into a group board, you usually need to find relevant ones in Pinterest search and ask an existing member to give you access to it. But because Pinterest doesn’t allow you to message someone who isn’t following you, a HUGE advantage is to have a pro Pinterest user with a lot of group boards invite you to them *all at once*.


https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EydDI4soluE/XLniNSUU4YI/AAAAAAAAAIU/q8xLFxj4F5gLdn3KvVfokpE8GbZtDwbgwCLcB... to this links to check out a service that will actually invite you to big Pinterest group boards that are all about Etsy & small businesses for just $5: 




I especially recommend this guy. She will invite you to 25 group boards with more than 2.7 million subscribers. It costs $ 45 - but this is the best investment.


This tip will save you many weeks of hard work. After you’ve been invited to these boards, pin your listings to them once in a while and let it do its magic.

Learn new things. I advise you to read books about business at Etsy, there is a lot of useful information. These books cost more than $ 100, but here on the forum there is a guy who gave me these books for free!!

Here is his post https://community.etsy.com/t5/Handmade-brainstormers/220-Post-I-share-4-PDF-books-about-Launch-and-p...



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