Hi Everyone,
I thought it would be nice for everyone to include a little post about themselves and their shop by way of an introduction.
Just a little bit about yourself and what you make etc.

I'm 30 years old, I'm married and have a 2 year old son. I am a web designer by trade but have always loved arts and crafts, my shop CLS Creations primarily sells bags, brooches and felted items. But at a later stage I hope to include some artwork and other bits and pieces, so that's me :)

Re: Introductions


I'm Alison and I live in a wee village outside Belfast in Northern Ireland with my hubbie and 2 kids aged 9 and 12.

I've been on Etsy for almost 3 years selling jewellery. In my day job I'm a physiotherapist but I took up jewellery making when we moved from Scotland to NI and I had too much time on my hands.

Looking forward to being part of the team :)
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introductions

Hi, I'm Julie, 41, just east of London in Essex and I craft as a sideline or I'd go mad! I'm an engineer when not crafting (currently I'm doing a big academic course in green engineering). I've been selling on Etsy for about 3 years, mostly bags and scarves but also some oddities like gaming boards, card kits, custom sewing patterns/kits where I see I can help someone! Naturally I'm getting more sales now I'm doing the course ;-) and my UK sales are slowly building up, hoorah (have a fair few US ones). Thanks for inviting me!
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Re: Introductions

Hi, Thanks for the invite!

I'm Laura, I'm 26, my day job is a Personal Assistant in NHS Direct, and I sell my handmade jewellery on here and on Folksy, as well as in a local shop. I'm going to be introducing some of my prints to the shop soon (well, probably after Christmas). I've been on Etsy for a few months but only recently focussed on my shop properly. So far only had UK sales, but hoping for some international sales soon! :) x
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Re: Introductions

Hi Everyone! Thank you for inviting me! I'm 29 and an American living in Leek, Staffordshire. I moved here just over 3 years ago with my husband (he's british) and son. I've been making and selling jewellery since I was 8 years old. It was a lot easier in the states with my family owning a rock, gem and jewellery shop where advertisement and customers were already there. I do really miss that, as I haven't had very many sales here. My son is autistic so it's near impossible for me to really get out to do craft shows as he needs constant care. So, I set up shop on Etsy in hopes of becoming successful :)
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Re: Introductions

Hi everyone, thanks for the invite!

I've been selling on Etsy for 3 and half years, where does the time go? I started selling jewellery, but gradually introduced knitted and crocheted items and now concentrate on them. I have a 10 year old daughter and 2 older children a son and daughter who have flown the nest. My daughter has given me 2 lovely grand-daughters so I have a very busy time. I gave up my job just over a year ago so that I could have a better family life and I am loving it! I am always thinking of new items to add to my shop and I am hoping to start writing simple knitting patterns in the New Year (something I have never done but have wanted to do for some time). I am looking forward to being part of this team and getting to know all of you!
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Registered Buyer

Re: Introductions

Hi! Thanks a lot for inviting me! I am Eve, Russian, married to Scot, 38 years old, mom of 19 years old young man, we all live in Southampton. I am graphic designer with advertising background, love to make soft toys and dolls and trying to make a serious business out of it. Seems like UK and Etsy are right places to make my dreams true :)
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Re: Introductions

Hi, I am Claire, I am 27 and I live in Bristol, England. I make and sale jewellery and have had my shop since Oct 2010. I don't think I am doing too badly considering the massive competition in the jewellery catagory.

My boyfriend complains about how much time I spend on Etsy but I just keep telling him that I am doing so to hopefully make my shop a success.

I am a full time Accounts Assistant by day for a international packaging company and I am studying to be an accountant.

In the evenings I love making jewellery and birthday cards (which I don't sell on here... Yet)
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Re: Introductions

Hello everyone, my name is Tasha I am also a stay at home mum with two little boys aged 5 and 3 although it sometimes feels like I have three little boys with my husband as well lol. Like many of us I started making jewellery and giving them as presents, which lead to family and friends buying which lead to me finding etsy and never looking back.
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Re: Introductions

I'm Christina and i'm 28. I live in Exeter, Devon with my husband. I'm a primary school teacher in the mornings, and have been an etsy maker in the afternoons since October!

I find vintage fabrics and old clothing/homewares and turn them into lovely accessories!

Nice to meet you all.
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Re: Introductions

Hi all,
this is a great idea!
I am Natalia, 26, originally from Greece but currently living and studying in London (Media, Film and Theatre at SOAS). I love making things, especially jewellery with a vintage or feel and this is what I try to sell in my shop. I also knit and crochet but I rarely have time for that anymore!
So, stop by my shop and let me know what you think?
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Re: Introductions

I'm Alison and I'm based in Devon too, a little village just near Sidmouth. I worked in London for 13 years in clothing retail then decided I'd had enough and hubby and I moved down here in Jan this year.

I've always loved making things for presents for friends and that sort of grew and now I'm doing a few craft fairs and trying to make some money out of something I love doing.

I make children's quilts, personalised cushions, bunting, aprons etc and the collection is growing as time goes on.

Really good to be part of such a talented UK team, some lovely poeple on here.

Hello All x
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introductions

Hi- Sharon here, thanks for the invite!
Never had a 'real' job! Just spent the last 30 odd years metalsmithing (with a bit of glass and other stuff thrown in for good measure) somehow making a living from markets and craft fairs.
It doesnt get any easier, and etsy is indeed a tough one!
Sometimes I go out to a market these days and wonder where all the people are...........out of town shopping centres where they can park maybe? Those places are just chock full of chain stores with the same mass produced over priced imported stuff, meanwhile our small towns and their businesses are dying.
Hey guys, we have got to change that!
Good to meet you!
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Re: Introductions

Hello everyone.

I'm Jenny, 30 and I live in Cheshire. I just opened my shop a month ago. I make button badges using vintage and contemporary fabrics and recycled ephemera.

I am actually a jewellery designer/maker and illustrator and plan to open a couple more etsy shops sometime next year. I am hoping that this little shop (Fab Pins) will help fund these other two projects.

It's lovely to meet you all and I look forward to getting to know you and your lovely shops.

Thanks for the invite.


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Re: Introductions


I'm currently at university but ever since I was small I've loved origami. I snail-mail frequently so I decided to make greeting cards featuring "flat" origami, or in other words, origami which could be pasted and sent on a card to my friends :-) I've also branched into making small origami models, ideal as gifts.
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Re: Introductions

Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for the invitation, and it's lovely to meet you all! I'm Erika and I live with my scientist husband Barry in a tiny rural hamlet, close to the Hertfordshire / Cambridgeshire border. But we have links all over the UK: I was born in Southport, went to boarding school in Somerset, university in Sheffield then Durham then worked in London, my mother is German and lives in Malta, my sister lives in Cheshire, my first husband was Australian, and my son lives in Scotland :)

Anyway, my first degree was in silversmithing and jewellery, but then I moved into IT business and project management because the pay was a zillion times better! Recently I took very early retirement from work (I'm a very immature 50 yr oldl!) and have now returned to my first love. I also make soaps and lip balms, and donate my profits to charity

I have two Etsy shops: and

and you can also find me here:

Please drop by and say hello!
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Re: Introductions

Hello Everyone

My name is Suzy, I am a singe mum. I work as a business coach by day, helping others realise their dreams and ambitions. I am a life long knitter and I sell as range of hand knitted accessories, scarves, hats, gloves and bags. I hope to increase the time i spend designing as I love it! I will be expanding the range of items to include home accessories, throws, cushions, lavendar bags etc. I am nervous but excited and made my first sales recently which was a tremendous buzz. I am reducing my working hours in the New Year and increasing the time I spend on my Etsy shop. I am a trained marekteer too, but you wouldn't know it!

I am so glad I discovered Etsy, it has changed how I shop, so many beautiful things. I look forward to getting to know others and sharing their experiences.
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Re: Introductions

Hi everyone,

I'm Lucy and I make jewellery, cushions, trinket boxes and a few other things! I'm an etsy addict and love to buy handmade, especially if it's British (cheaper P+P is always a bonus!)

I live on the south coast of England near Brighton and am a part-time student with the Open University. I'm currently unable to work due to health problems but manage to keep myself very busy!

Look forward to finding new favourite shops through this team :-)

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Re: Introductions

Hi My name is Rose and thanks for inviting me. I have 2 childrern and I live in Essex. I love sewing and I love fabrics, I have more fabric than I can make.

I used to make clothes for a boutique that sold to plus size women but saddly she lost interest and closed the shop.

I make clothes to a small following of clients and I have been on Etsy since 2008 and started selling in 2009. Sales are slow but I am hoping this will change in 2011. In my shop I make clothes in size 14 to 26 but I am happy to make in any size.

I work in London as a Befriending Co-ordinator and I really enjoy my work.

I love Etsy as it give me an opportunity to dabble in my creative side.
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Re: Introductions

Rosegien - You sound like me :) I have so much fabric and am always looking for more, I probably spend more time looking for fabric than actually sewing lol.
I'm fascinated what is a befriending Co-ordinator?
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Re: Introductions

Hey all! My name is Rhianne, I'm 25 and I live in Leeds, though I'm originally from Norfolk. I've been on Etsy for just over a year now selling my 35mm film photos from all around the UK and also some of my travels in Europe.

I never intended on having a shop - I studied design at university, however it wasn't until I left that I started to take photos again and now it's become a full time passion of mine!

It's so great to meet everyone on here!
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Re: Introductions

Hello! I'm Rachel, I'm a graphic designer who occasionally escapes her computer to draw patterned illustrations using an old fashioned pen and paper.

I run HelloWilson and live in Oxford with fiance (we are getting married in June). Last year I was living in Italy but waited to come back to the UK to start my etsy shop.

In my shop you'll find giclee prints, tote bags and even tea towels. I'm hoping to expand my range as I go along.
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Re: Introductions

My name is Hazel, I'm 24 and from Colchester in Essex. I've been on Etsy for almost 2 years now.
I love to make all sorts of things, but my shop is based around my paintings of pets/ animals and of my fictional town called Hexley (a Victorian/ steampunk inspired place full of strange inventions!). I sell original paintings, prints and other things like bookmarks, cards, magnets etc made from my art.
I also have a second shop (hfcSupplies) where I sell vintage buttons, handmade craft kits and other crafting supplies. :)
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Introductions

Hello I am the wife of the artist (Douglas is he the only bloke listed here?) - my name is Susan and I am originally from South Africa, I run the shop and do all the treasurys, which I love.

We are newish to Etsy and still have to make a sale, so any advice on that front gratefully received.
In our shop are the things created by Douglas, surreal collages, paintings, photography and goodness knows what will come next.

We are both 67 and no, not retired.
We run our own small design company here in the Cotswolds. I also make appique quilts and wall hangings and should really start my own shop - will have to think about that.
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Re: Introductions

I'm Laura from KitzieG Designs, selling modern botanical papercut designs as art prints, greetings cards, gifts and homeware.

I'm from Yorkshire originally, and now live in London with my husband and my dog.

I first ventured onto Etsy in February this year with a couple of items, but started my store in earnest at the end of August. I've been so appreciative of all the support and advice from other sellers and it's been really wonderful to get to know so many other creative people.

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Re: Introductions

I'm Valentina.I'm 45,have got 2 kids and I'm Russian.I've lived in London for the last 17 years.I've been sewing and knitting all my life.While searching on-line for some cheaper wool I accidentally opened a wrong page - bead warehouse.That is how I started designing and making jewellery.

I started my little shop on Etsy just over a year ago and first was selling my handmade jewellery.At some point I got really fed up with constantly struggling to find the supplies I wanted, locally, here in the UK.So, I started importing the supplies myself. Now buying beads completely swallowed me and I even haven't got the time to make my own jewellery.And I really miss it.I hope that in the next year I would be luckier and go back to making jewellery again.

Thank you for inviting me to join the team.Nice meeting you all!
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