Don’t forget to like her FB page : !!! :) And if you have some spare time, take a look at the other wonderful things she designs and creates (clothes, silk organza butterflies necklaces, obi belts, rings, collars,…) :D
So so so many tiny details in this piece. This is part two of the anatomical heart series. In this piece, we see Humpty taking a bit of a rest on his way to deliver something special to someone special.
So, here's the thing. This is my last original watercolor. I really need to get it sold so I can take a bit of the money and invest in some new watercolor paper and a new black ink cartridge for a paper doll project I'm currently working on. I have everything planned out to start a line of articulated paper dolls, but, without black ink, I can't print the pieces to make the dolls!
So, if anyone's interested in this watercolor, I'm willing to take offers. I desperately need new paper and an ink cartridge.
Here's the link to the painting in my Etsy shop. Have a look and if you are interested in making an offer, I can reset the price for you. xoxo