Black Hills Etsy Craft Show?

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a starting a craft show somewhere in the Black Hills (Rapid or Spearfish?), maybe at a church hall or school or senior center or park, for all the Etsians in the area.

I have no idea what the organization would require, but it might be fun to brain storm a bit. Or does anyone know of an easy "starter" craft show this summer or fall in the area? I think the Spearfish Art in the Park requires application this month and is around $250 for an entry fee. Something a little smaller would be nice.
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13 Replies
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Re: Black Hills Etsy Craft Show?

I might be interested in participating if you decide to start an "all Etsian" craft show. That is, if I am all moved and unpacked by the time the show opens. :-)
I am still jumping between RC and Wichita, KS trying to pack up my old home and start my new home in Rapid. The only thing I would probably not do is an outdoors show, because I don't have the appropriate setup which would allow me to protect my jewelry from the elements (and from those who would like to walk away with it without paying, too).
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Black Hills Etsy Craft Show?

I may be interested as well.
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Re: Black Hills Etsy Craft Show?

I would love to do some kind of show but no way I can afford $250 I would have to sell more than I've ever made just to enter.
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Re: Black Hills Etsy Craft Show?

Hello, Team!
Just wanted to check in quickly and let you know I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I have completed my long distance move and finally have more or less regular Internet access now, but painting our new house (yes, I am painting every single room in the house by myself) is keeping me extremely busy when I am not at my day job. So, I will probably be MIA for a little bit longer when it comes to team participation. Don't write me completely off though... :-)
If there are any shows planned for early (or late) Fall, I would love to know.
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Re: Black Hills Etsy Craft Show?

Just a thought - Spearfish's Saturday Market is starting June 22 and is under new "management." I've sold there for the last few years. It's been restricted to veggies/food and handmade items within about 50 miles of Spearfish.

I'm waiting to hear back to see what the expansion plans are. What I know so far is that there will not likely be any fees for participating, so it's a great way to spend 3 hours (10-1) and make a little money.

I'm hoping the new leader will be enthusiastic about incorporating more handmade items. In the past, venders have been a little inconsistant, so maybe we can get a schedule where people will commit to 1-3 Saturdays between June 22 and the end of September, then they can come more often if desired, i.e. the veggie sellers usually come every week unless a hail storm comes through! But mixing up the handmade sellers would work because most probably don't want to come every week, and it's nice for the buyers to see different things.


ETA: Maybe we could pick one week to have an "Etsy Explosion" for all the Etsy sellers, regardless of what you sell, and really market that up. Any ideas on whether additional permits are needed for that kind of larger scale event?
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Re: Black Hills Etsy Craft Show?

I don't know about the permits but the no fee thing is GREAT news. I will follow your FB page to see more.
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Re: Black Hills Etsy Craft Show?

FYI - Definitely no fees this year as Hills Horizon is not officially sponsoring it. I'll be at City Park just past the Tennis Courts on the back side of the bathrooms facing the parking lot to set up around 9:30am this Saturday. I imagine the venders who come will discuss some kind of game plan :)

It will probably be slow the first time as it's starting a week earlier than expected, but it's a good time. The more people we can get to spread the word and come out to vend and buy, the better. I think it can really be built up better than it was with better word of mouth.

All you need is a card table or something similar.

I'll be the one with short brown hair and a table with wine charms and jewelry bits. Come join me!
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Re: Black Hills Etsy Craft Show?

Time Change - It will be back to it's original time of 9-12 on Saturday! Please spread the word and come on by!
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Black Hills Etsy Craft Show?

Sturgis is having an open air market. Contact sturgis chamber at 347-2556. Belle Fourche has crazy family days on July 26&27 call 892-4773 to get vendor space. In belle Fourche every Thursday night for 6 weeks starting July 11 is a hometown Thursdays with vendors. Call 645-2383 for spaces. There's also spearfish Friday nights-not sure if they allow vendors or not.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Black Hills Etsy Craft Show?

Would like more info on vendors at spearfish park on sat!!! How many vendors are showing up and what types are allowed?? How's sales???
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Re: Black Hills Etsy Craft Show?

This last Saturday was awesome, considering it was only the second week! I tripled my sales from the first week, and we had 10 venders show up. Products ranged from homegrown food, baked goods, canned pickled & jam items to jewelry, paintings, knit/crochet. I believe anything home/hand made/grown is acceptable.

If anyone is interested, it's never too late to show up and set up a table or just shop! It's 9am-noon Saturday just past the tennis courts. Here's the FB page for more info and lots of pictures:

Also, Spearfish Friday Nights does have venders. I've heard it's $30 or $35 for the evening, or you can get a discount for the whole season. This year they are setting all venders (including food but excluding beer) on Hudson street.
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: Black Hills Etsy Craft Show?

New group of vendor events and craft fairs in South Dakota. Organized by town!!
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Re: Black Hills Etsy Craft Show?

Does anyone know anything about these two Fall Spearfish events?

Last year both were the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Sponsors and/or contact information would be great!

Christmas in the Park Craft Bazaar, Spearfish City Park Pavilion, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; handcrafted items, baked goods and candy

Holiday Vendor Fair/Bazaar, Hudson Hall, 222 West Hudson St., Spearfish, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.; more than 20 vendors will be on hand
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