I participate in outdoor art shows in Wisconsin and Minnesota, and have always chosen to forego giving out shopping bags when a customer buys my artwork. I feel like they are often unnecessary, and besides, many other vendors give out bags and the customer could put the item they just bought from me in one of their other bags. But now I am offering my Earth-felt People,which are sold in a sturdy but pretty gift box,es which are a bit large and a tad awkward for my customers to carry around festival grounds.
So I've been looking around on the Internet to find bags that I can live with. I ordered some 10 oz. cotton reusable shopping bags from Nashville Wraps this morning. I will give these bags free of charge to customers who buy a large item for me, in the hopes that they will use this bag over and over in the future. Each bag will cost me about $3 after all is said and done. If this works well, I will have my company logo and website printed on the bags. The only thing that makes me wonder if I made a good choice is that the bags are made in India and it is hard for me to track how they were made, etc., to assure myself that they were made ethically. (Just because they carry the "Green Way" logo doesn't guarantee that they were made ethically.)
I am curious to know if any of you have researched environment-friendly packaging and use it when you ship your Etsy items, and what you have found out there that you would recommend. I am open to suggestions! Thanks .....