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The Sand Box Chat Thread 7-12-13

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Welcome to our new members and welcome back returning members. This thread is intended for everyone to visit, chat and get to know each other. It is a great place to share new items and ask questions. Please do note that we are not a drop and run team, so spend a little time, have some fun!

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I am off to a very long day, dropping the kid off at writing camp, going to finish up laundry, then off to the day job for my 12-8 shift. Sad Face. Looking forward to 2pm tomorrow when i am off for about 24 hours in a row!

My Hubs is back to the doc's office today, would be nice if we got some answers. Fingers crossed.

What are you up to? Any new items in your shop? Taking pictures? Doing something fun this weekend? Tell us, we want to know!
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6 Replies
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Re: The Sand Box Chat Thread 7-12-13

Good morning!!!

Tara- hoping that they find some anwsers for your hubby!!

My hubby was happy cuz I sent him over a homemade meal with his mom last night and he loved it!

Today I am gunna go look at a car with my mom (since she needs a new one) Hopefully she can get it and then we can get back to going to yardsales!!! I need new stock for my store real bad!! Plus I have been going insane the last 5ish weeks knowing that I was missing out on some awesome items out there! LOL

Hope everyone has an awesome day!!
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Re: The Sand Box Chat Thread 7-12-13

Tara - It's about time you get some answers! Thoughts are with you and your man today :)

Eric and Nicki - It's always scary going car shopping...the last time I went car shopping I ended up buying a sable that was completely undriveable.lol. Gotta be so careful!! Good luck :D
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Re: The Sand Box Chat Thread 7-12-13

Tara- Fingers crossed and sending good vibes your way that you guys get those answers today.. Have a good day-

Eric and Nicki- Good luck car shopping!

Krystal- i did the same thing, but mine was a ford tempo, lasted a week, and the costs to repair it would have been twice what I paid for it....grrrr Oh, well it did teach me a lesson and I am much more careful now when buying a car.

Have a great day all!
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Re: The Sand Box Chat Thread 7-12-13

Hi all ~ there are some life changing things happening out there, teamies, hope it all works out for all of you.

Today should be my last day with workmen in my house. The floors are so worth it, but the unpacking.... ugh.

Leave for the Girl Scout trip to Europe in 3 days. ACK! had a last meeting with the girls last night and I think they are more ready for this than I am.

Can't wait to get back and get my life back in order and my shop back in business. I have deliberately stalled the shop in the last few weeks by not being active with it, but favs are WAY down, and views have died back quite a bit as well. so I will need to kick it when I get home with new listings and being active again. CAn't wait!
And like Nicki, I can't wait to get some of that stock out there that I know I have been missing out on!
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Re: The Sand Box Chat Thread 7-12-13

Thanks guys! My mom did buy the car... she got a dodge from 1997 for $750 .... it runs beautifully - the engine sounds like it runs tight and the inside is in really good shape. There is just some cosmetic problams with worn paint and the fabric on the inside of the roof is torn a little in the back but can be fixed.

The guy was selling it because he had a stroke and cant drive anymore.

There is also new breaks put in just before his stroke. A friend of ours is going to check it all over and fix anything for her once she picks it up next week.

Now we are excited cuz we can go to yard sales next weekend!!! :D

I Also went into a consignment store today while my mother in law was in this art gallery and I found 2 wooden letters "J" and "S" which was amazing cuz those are my cousin and her husbands initials and with the gift card i gave her (for etsy of corse) she is going to buy a wooden letter "G" for thier last name..... we were both excited that I found them for her,,,, she is going to paint them over when i give them to her! :)
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Inspiration Seeker

Re: The Sand Box Chat Thread 7-12-13

Hey there Everyone!
I ran away from my day job a bit early, just needed some time to breathe today.

The Hubz has no new answers, but they did give him a medication that is supposed to increase his appetite. He starts tomorrow, but today definitely seems like a better day for him. We should have test results early next week, fingers crossed! Thank you so much for all your positive vibes!

Nicki, I am sure your Hubz was super happy with the home cooking, a little piece of home. That is great that your Mom found a car and it sounds like a good one! I know what you mean about the yard sales, I have been working early mornings on Saturday for like a month and it is making me a bit insane. I know I am missing out on bargains!

Judi, I hope the trip goes awesomely! I am sure it will be an incredible experience. I cannot imagine having so much going on in my house. I can understand that feeling of wanting to be home and getting everything back on track. you will get plenty of support from your teamiez when you are ready to kick your shop back into high gear!

Well, I think that I am making a huge decision in my life tomorrow. I just might be stepping out of my position at the day job, taking a huge pay cut and fewer hours so I can focus on my shop. I am terrified and excited....when I think about it, I feel this tingling sort of calm more than anything, although it is really scary it also feels like the right thing to do. I guess I will find out for sure tomorrow. never know what could happen.

chat with you lovely folks later!

I did post a new item today, here it is
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