DAY 21

"Audit all social media: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+ pages. Remove images that don't fit with your brand, check links. Are all necessary? Working? Is your branding consistent?"

I have a sneaking suspicion that Amanda assigned me this topic to dovetail off Day 19:

If you haven't already gone through Day 19's exercise, it may be helpful to do these together. Or, perhaps you are ahead of the game and already anticipated Day 21!

Here's my advice: many sellers (and any social media users) may start one medium far ahead of the others. Maybe you started your FB page 3 years ago, and are just now launching your Instagram account.

Ask yourself: is your branding consistent? Is one medium reflective of your early amateurish attempts, yet another is more branded and solid? Is some of your "branding" outdated? Is some of it inconsistent? Is your voice coherent across all platforms?

The most obvious might be old images or tag lines, so go ahead and update them across all platforms. Make sure your voice is consistent.

We can't always go back and edit certain parts (early blog posts or FB posts), but we can update logos/branding. For many media, we can change it up. Maybe your Pinterest boards are sluggish—swap out a new photo as the main board image. For Twitter, maybe update your background, or include your new logo. For some of my social media, I briefly tried a new logo, but decided to go back to my original one, as I was known for that one. Sometimes sticking with what is more-widely recognized works.

Do you have crappy photos on some social media sites that are no longer indicative of your brand? Don't be afraid to edit them out. Never be afraid to sever those old links. Do you have dead links? Get rid of them NOW or edit to new links.

Most importantly, make sure you are recognizable across all media. Your tone, photo style, and voice should be instantly recognizable. Whenever I post anything—anywhere—I make sure that someone will think "I bet that is VRS". Even when I comment on other media.

And I'm going to make a plug for reinforcing Day 19: Reassess what is working and what is not—as well as what could be added.

I added Instagram yesterday (Woo hoo! My goal/challenge for "cleanse month"), and had good feedback. I'm feeling empowered. You will too whenever you do anything to strengthen that brand.

While you're at it, deal with Day 23 ("update descriptions of all social media and logo if needed") ahead of time, and you'll have a free day! but I'm still gonna poke ya.
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12 Replies

Re: DAY 21

Okay, I think my branding is pretty consistent across facebook, twitter, and instagram. I'm not sure what to do with pinterest - I joined pinterest before I even started my business, so a lot of my stuff was (and continues to be) personal interests - recipes, quotes, decoration ideas for my house, etc. I think most of these are okay - shows broad interests rather than just promoting myself. But I do have a board with work resources for my day job, which is mental health counseling. I think some of those pins could be offputting to my fans - though I don't really want to make the board private because I do have friends/colleagues on pinterest and we share pins. Any solutions? My pinterest is here for reference:
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Re: DAY 21

Sarah, look back at my advice to Kelli about Pinterest on Day 19. You can convert to a business account, or keep your personal boards private (which is what I do). I also have a personal board for day-job stuff, so I get it.

To me, your business Pinterest account should be all about establishing your business/you as a specialist. Keep it related to your business. Have you considered having separate accounts? One for SweetSomeday and one for you?

Personally, when I follow other vintage sellers, I don't need to see hairdo ideas, brunch ideas, fashion wants. I'm of the opinion that if your account is branded to your account, it should all be related to your business. I agree about broad interests—just not personal interests.

My boards are about product photography, booth ideas, chalkboard ideas, altered globes—things related to what I sell and what my business is about.

I hope this helps. And it's just my opinion, of course.
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Re: DAY 21

OK - here is where I stand.
Social media - I am down to FB, Google and Pinterest - deleting other accounts is in progress

I did log into those three to view old pics loaded, about information, links to social media. I think all is set.

I will be evaluating the whole logo thing tomorrow.

Pinterest - I want moms with kids following me and repinning my stuff. So i have lots of boards - food, diy, jewelry, etc. etc. I try to keep it a mix and not just a stream of stuff for sale. I deleted personal boards (like I had one for tatoo ideas) that i felt didn't mesh well enough. But basically i want to keep it interesting with enough of my items mixed in.
Has worked well enough so far with the little i have done.
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Re: DAY 21

I am cleaning up my Pinterest, deleting twitter, reconsidering Facebook and signed up for instagram. I'm also considering Google + and doing something with my personal Blog. It's a huge undertaking given my limited time, but it is a missing piece in my business plan.
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Re: DAY 21

Oh, and tomorrows task will help with keeping the message cohesive.
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Re: DAY 21

I can't use Instagram from my apple devices. No longer have a PC. Signed up for twitter a few yrs ago, have not been active, just retweeting now and then, thinking of changing profile to SwaddleMeSnugly and becoming active. A yr ago I claimed my 2 shop names on Zibbit, they are tweeting of course the tweets say there are no listings as I don't have anything listed. Should do something about that. FB is a total bust & I don't plan to work on it. I will be focusing on Pinterest, changing my personal acct to a business one and actively working it. And start a blog in a month or two! That's daunting but I'm motivated.
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Re: DAY 21

Kelli, do you know why you can't use instagram with your apple devices? I use it exclusively with my iphone and have no problems.
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Re: DAY 21

I have Facebook and Twitter. I updated some pictures and made sure the branding/images/descriptions were consistent and recognizable. I also went on Pinterest and made sure to keep it a personal page. I updated my avi there. I have more luck with Pinterest with others pinning me, not me pinning myself. So I am keeping Pinterest a personal page and having Facebook/Twitter business pages. For now :)
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Re: DAY 21

I have Facebook, Pinterest and WANELO. I started out very active with FB but never saw great results from it. I'll keep it for now.

I just cleaned up WANELO. Not sure I'm going to keep that account. Very minimal views, altough I have neglected it for some time.

Pinterest is my personal account with an Etsy board. Keeping it. Working on editing/deleting some of the boards now.
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Re: DAY 21

Sarah, I downloaded it on the MacBook, got a message I could look at postings on Instagram but can't upload to it. That's because the macbook doesn't have a camera. Instagram will only load from your device camera, won't load jpeg or other images that are on your hard drive. My iPad is an original, has no camera. If I got an iPod or smartphone I could upload but not planning to spend thst $$ for a while yet ;-)
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Re: DAY 21

I get views from Pinterest and twitter not so much facebook. I am going to stop craftori and wanelo.

My branding is consistent.
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Re: DAY 21

This was a good exercise for me - realize that I need to refocus on topics and information relevant to my business.
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