Day 3: Revise tags and titles for number of listings that you wrote on Day 1
By now you should be doing this in your sleep, right? If you're like me, though, you're thinking up new tags/titles while in the shower, driving to the grocery store, or even while you're doing other days' cleanse activities.
For instance, while doing the Day 7 (define your target market) exercise, it dawned on me that I had left out a very basic key phrase in one type of item I sell (milk bottle caps): "vintage supplies". Technically, they are not vintage supplies, but many crafters and mixed-media artists do use them.
So, here's my advice:
1. Don't overlook basic key phrases (see above).
2. Re-assess whether you are using too-technical phrases. It may be helpful to "dumb down" some of your language. I see this often with jewelry sellers or specialized artisans. They tag/title too specifically ("obsidian malachite pendant with A4 spacers and 3mm cabochons"). Non-jewelers don't understand those terms—I don't even understand them (and I made it up). They're just looking for a "black pendant necklace". Use both specific and "dumbed down" phrases.
3. Listen to your buyers. Two buyers who bought my vintage bathroom signs (men, women, boys, girls) told me they were using them for restaurants they were designing. Alex suggested I include "restaurant decor" in my titles/tags. D'oh!
Feel free to post updated listings here if you want them reviewed.
And take heart that after today, you'll be 40% done with titles/tags! By August 1 you'll be a pro.